December 22, 2011
Posted In: Sewing

Flirty Apron

For the sexy chef in your life.
All seam allowances ½ inch
Self- B/W Leaves  5/6 of a yard
Lining- Buttercup Yellow 5/6 of a yard  
Contrast #1- B/W/Y Butterflies 1/3 yard  
Contrast #2- B/W/Y striped/dots 1 2/3 yard
  Please note, the above drawings are not perfectly to scale and are just to give an idea of what the pattern pieces should look like and grain direction. I tried to include measurements to give an idea of how big to make each piece. The tool over the apron is called a “hip curve ruler” and every serious pattern maker should have one. I use mine to draw waist seams, hip seams, princess seams, hems, armholes, necklines…

General Instructions:

  1. Fold Contrast #2 fabric length wise and cut an 4 x 60 in strip (actual piece 8 x 60).
  2. With right sides together, cut 45 degree corners and sew ends closed. Trim corners. Turn right side out, press.
  3. Make pleats in ruffle every 1.75 inches with a pleat depth of 1 inch. I alternated pleats from both ends toward the center. Pleats are knife pleats and should go in the same direction. Makes about 20 pleats. If there is extra fabric, hide in center pleat.
Tip: I pin the top of the pleat and the bottom of the pleat to prevent the pleats from flaring. When I am done I have a 4 inch wide strip of pleats just under 40 inches.
  1. Baste pleats across top edge. Leave in lower set of pins.
  2. Cut pocket out of Contrast #1 fabric. (Note: top edge is on fold.) With right sides together, sew around edges, leaving one side edge open. Turn right-side-out. Press, folding SA for open side in. Edge stitch onto front of apron sewing small triangles at corners for stabilization. Top stitch a dividing line down center of pocket. Placement for the top of the pocket is about 11 inches up from the bottom of the apron (without ruffles.)
  3. Fold Contrast #1 fabric crosswise and cut two,  2 x 20 inch strips (actual pieces 4 x 20)
  4. With right sides together, cut 45 degree corners and sew ends closed, and length of neck tie. Trim corners. Turn right side out, press.
  5. Place on top edge of apron, ½ from side edges, flush with top of apron. Baste in place.
  6. For waist ties, Fold Contrast #2 fabric lengthwise and cut two, 3 x 60 inch strips (actual pieces 6 x 60)
  7. With right sides together, cut 45 degree corners and sew ends closed, and length of waist. Trim corners. Turn right side out, press.  
  8. Place on side edge of apron, flush with side edge and ½ down from armhole edge. Baste in place. 
  9. Pin ruffle to lower apron edge over waist ties, starting at center and curving around toward armhole edges. Should reach just to waist ties. Okay if it overlaps. Baste in place.
  10. Tuck all ties into front pockets. Keep pleats away from lower apron edge.

 14. Sandwich lining over self, right sides together. Sew around all edges, leaving 6 inch gap open at neck.

15. Turn inside out.
16. Fold in neck SA. Edgestitch close.
17. Remove lower pins from ruffle. Flare/fan pleats. Press or starch pleats.

Yeah, my sewing room is usually a mess.


  1. Connie Keller

    I love aprons–I wear one whenever I cook or bake. And I love sewing, so this is perfect. I'd love to give it a try. Thanks!

  2. Jackie

    Love the apron. You're so talented!

  3. Brinda

    The apron is so cute, and I needed this before Christmas. I failed to see this post in time! Drats. My sister would love this and I'll have to save this post.

  4. Sarah Ahiers

    awww, i'm so jealous of your sewing skills. I really need to get a sewing machine and start up again

  5. Anonymous

    My sister loves to sew aprons, I might send her to your blog. Very cute!
    Sis calls herself sew Thea

  6. julie fedderson

    First of all, the fact that you have such talent just makes me gape in awe. I would commission one from you if I actually tried to cook more. Although, if you could come up with something French maid inspired, I'm betting the Hubs would be in awe, too.

  7. Weaver

    Cute apron! My daughter's really been getting into the fun ones. Who says cooking has to be boring?

  8. No One

    It gets hot enough already while we're cooking… 😉

  9. Golden Eagle

    It must take a lot of skill to make!

Who is Kimberlee Turley?

Kimberlee Turley grew up in California where she earned a degree in Fashion Design from FIDM in 2005. Soon after, she married her husband, who was neither Mr. Darcy nor Edward Cullen, but he’d read her atrocious first novel and said it was “good” with a straight face.

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