Laptop Keyboards

Laptop Keyboards

When you realize it has been over THREE years since you last blogged and that it is definitely time to say goodbye to your oldest, dearest friend of 10+ years…Toshiba SatelliteGoodbye, mi amor. You had the perfect keyboard and you were everything I ever wanted in a...
Candy Land

Candy Land

VintageMaybe I’m just being too nostalgic, but I was really bummed when I went to buy a copy of CANDY LAND and realized the artwork had been updated. I’m now in a dilemma where I must decide if I want to spend $40 for a vintage version on Ebay or if I...
Night Circus Skirt

Night Circus Skirt

I’m published! Sort of…Caroline is a dear friend of mine and co-author of  JUST FOR YOU: Selfish Sewing with Your Favorite SewCanShe Bloggers.I am the designer of one of the 24 simply stylish sewing projects… and I have a free copy from Stash...

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